Join the largest FM community in the world

Connect with others in the FM industry by joining as a Young Professional or student.  IFMA has the tools to help you succeed. Expand your impact, knowledge and network! 


Achieve your goals faster
Transition to a career in facility management with training targeted to your experience level and networking to connect you to the profession. IFMA’s 40+ years of knowledge and expertise enables transitioning military and veterans to successfully translate their skills to a career in FM. 


Get industry-leading certifications and training
Knowledge is power. IFMA certifications can showcase your skills to the FM industry. Show your employer you’re committed to your career. Demonstrate your skills and mastery and learn the language of FM.


Jump ahead of the competition
Whether you are actively serving, transitioning or an established FM, IFMA has the information and tools to help you succeed.


You belong in the Built Environment
Connect with FMs who have already transitioned into civilian careers. They can share practical insights that will help you succeed.


Stand out as a leader in your industry
From government advocacy to leadership positions in chapters, the sky is the limit for shaping the future of FM and establishing your legacy.

