Join the largest FM community in the world

Expand your impact, knowledge and Network! Connect with peers and leading experts in Polska while joining an active worldwide network of 23.000+ facility professionals in over 100 countries.


Achieve your goals faster
Propel your career forward, find better solutions faster, keep pace with the changing industry and bring additional value to your organization. IFMA’s 40+ years of knowledge and expertise enables, empowers and equips FMs to solve challenges today, and in the future.


Get industry-leading certifications and training
Knowledge is power, and IFMA certifications carry considerable weight in the FM industry. Show your employer you’re committed to your career.


Jump ahead of the competition
IFMA’s members get industry-specific access to available positions and skill-building content in addition to the network of IFMA members you will come to know.


You belong in the Built Environment
Gain a community of life-long friends from around the world who help you grow, share practical insights and leave a lasting impact on the world.


Stand out as a leader in your industry
From government advocacy to leadership positions in chapters, the sky is the limit for shaping the future of FM and establishing your legacy.

