My Profile

Contact Details


Rhonda Small, SFP, FMP



My job is to help you find the best solution and process for tracking your people, places and things. I help you find, organize and analyze the information around the built evnrioment in a way that benefits you and your business. My goal is to make your job easier by making sure you have access to the information you need to manage your building(s) efficiently.

I specialize in Business Analysis around the built environment including IWMS software implementation and support. I not only support other clients, but I also support my own company and use these software's on a daily basis to do my job managing my facilities.  I understand the importance of the data your facilities provide and the process it takes to manage this information.

I am heavily engaged in our local IFMA Chapter and working to grow my International engagement.  I enjoy volunteering and appreciate what IFMA has done for me and for this entire industry.