Charlotte Chapter: Golf Tournament

When:  May 21, 2025 from 09:00 to 16:00 (ET)
Associated with  All Member Forum

Please join us for the 2025 IFMA Charlotte Chapter Charity Golf Tournament.

Wednesday, May 21, 2025
8:00 AM Registration / Practice Range
9:00 AM Shotgun Start
Networking, BBQ Banquet, Awards and Raffle Prizes to follow

We will have a great day of golf at the beautiful Rocky River Golf Club in Concord, NC. The event will include a 4-person scramble, box lunch, goody bag and commemorative gift, BBQ dinner, raffle prizes, and both team & individual awards. We are working on this year's theme. 

If you have a question about sponsorship, please contact David Stephenson. Thank you for your support of IFMA!


Rocky River Golf Club
6900 Bruton Smith Blvd
Concord, NC 28027